
Glen Burnie Post 40





Post 40 Newsletter

                                             Post 40 Newsletter Editor: Bruce Easley

                                                           Email: easleyb003@gmail.com



The Post 40 Newsletter is available in PDF format. You will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it. Adobe Acrobat Reader is free and you may download it from Adobe by clicking here.

Volume 1 Issue 1-24 

May 2023 Newsletter

January 2023 Newsletter

October Newsletter

May - June 2022 Newsletter

March - April 2022 Newsletter

February 2022 Newsletter (Special Edition)

October - December 2021 Newsletter

August 2021 Newsletter

June 2021 Newsletter

April 2021 Newsletter




The newsletter is available on the Post 40 website around the 25th of each month for your convenience. 

If you do not have access to the Internet and you would like a printed hard copy of the newsletter, please fill out the form below and mail it to: Bruce Easley, Post 40 American Legion, 500 5th Avenue SE, Glen Burnie, MD 21061, or give it to a bartender in the Lounge to place in the newsletter mail box at the Post.  Thank you for your understanding.                      


I would like a hard copy of the Post 40 Newsletter

(Please print)                     Membership:  Legionnaire ____   SAL ____ Aux _____


Address _______________________________________________________________________

City ___________________________________ State ______________ Zip__________























































Please note: Since the newsletter has multiple pages, it may take a few seconds to download.